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EO-NOVA – Evaluating the potential of emerging EO…
Expansion of Belmap, a 3D database of all buildings and addresses within Belgium and…
Capturing the status and trends of biodiversity and ecosystem services in…
Use of multi-temporal Sentinel-2 and VHR (very-high…
EO-based services to support humanitarian…
Extended EO-based services for dynamic information…
Assessment and Monitoring of Soil Erosion…
EO data in support of national spatial poverty maps
The main…
Facilitating the uptake of EO-derived information in sustainable development…
Application of Earth observation technologies for…
Evaluation of the effect of Ozone on Crop Yields and the Terrestrial carbon…
Space-related services for oil and gas marine operations
Earth Observation Low Orbit for Agriculture
Currently, Farm…
Electronic Offender Monitoring
The objective of this project…