Sentinel-2 Semantic Earth Observation Data and Information Cube for Austria.
Big EO data - challenge: The Copernicus Programme and its Sentinel satellites generate more open and freely available satellite data than any other space programme ever before.
Sentinel-2 data is heavily underused due to barriers in data download (volume) and programming free access for cloud-based analyses.
We try to solve the problem converting big Earth observation data into information using transferable and automated methods that can also be used by non EO-experts.
Sentinel-2 Semantic Earth Observation Data and Information Cube for Austria (Sen2Cube.at) is the world's first prototype of a semantic EO data cube covering all of Austria and includes all available Sentinel-2 images since Sentinel-2A was launched in 2015. It offers new and innovative functions for semantic, content-based image search and image analysis of all captured Sentinel-2 images in user-defined regions and time intervals, without special software and without downloading satellite data - available in the web-browser.