Mining AIR data for smarter, healthier decisions
The project aims at addressing the problems of exposure to the air pollution by pedestrian and cyclists in movement through the development of services which are built on the findings of a previous kickstart project on route selection and exposure to air pollution. A set of analytical services are developed to mitigate the impact of air pollution on people's health using satellite data and artificial intelligence techniques to develop dose-response functions for the individual users of the services. Furthermore, with the use of satellite images a global pollen model to quantify and forecast how pollen affects the users has been developed. The key customers targeted by the service are people with diseases that can be triggered by air pollution: people with asthma, rhinitis, chronic bronchitis and emphysema and others; travellers that wants to know the air pollution levels in the destinations of the travel therefore selecting the period and place to stay that reduce the risk of getting ill; house buyers that want to ensure that the air quality at the potential location of a new house is good.
Update: the project has undergone a Contract Change Notice.