C-RISe Near Real Time Marine Information Service
Finding fishing boats at sea for safety, search & rescue
C-RISe Near Real Time Marine Information Service provides hourly updated satellite derived information on marine weather conditions, to provide the latest measurements of ocean waves and winds, overlaid on a model forecast, in an easy to use web format. The satellite data are i) satellite altimetre (Jason-2, Jason-3) to measure significant wave height, wind speed, along track, seven kilometre interval, ii) satellite scatterometre (Metop /ASCAT) to measure wind speed and direction, and iii) ESA Globwave data to measure surface current speed and direction. These data are presented along-side the latest US NOOA WaveWatch3 model forecast for the region. Satellite Earth observation (EO) data provide a valuable source of information on marine conditions, especially for fast moving intense weather systems during the tropical cyclone season. These data can then be used by local stakeholders in a range of applications including: maritime safety through search and rescue support, warning of severe conditions as they approach including improved tropical storm information and operational planning for illegal logging, smuggling, pollution.