Pest Risk Information Service
Pest Risk Information Service
Assess the risk of outbreak and spread of pests
The ESA CoDRIVE Demonstration Project aims to build an intelligent mobility service platform for connected vehicles with any level of autonomy to start the initiatives of transitioning towards the future Mobility-as-a-Service (MaaS). By the end of the project a cost-effective but high performance ubiquitous localisation and vehicle to everything (V2X) solution for CAV control systems will be fully evaluated and its initial services will be explored in urban and semi-rural areas initially in the UK and China where a rapidly evolving CAV market exists.
Truck platooning, i.e. the fully automated, compact driving of trucks in a convoy using an electronic fork will probably be the first application of automated driving to be realized in a few years. In addition to the technical development and testing, the legal basis for enabling truck platooning in real operation is currently being developed across Europe. However, in order for truck platooning to actually take place in practice and thus the potential advantages (e.g.
The damaging effects of cyberattacks to an industry like the Cooperative Connected and Automated Mobility (CCAM) can be tremendous.
Service to support the organisation and delivery of shipped goods linking them to the transporters providing the delivery services by combining EO data with location based services of the transporters. Currently active in Portugal.
MediScout+ improves the ability of health program planners to predict communities most prone to poverty-related diseases and the worst outcomes from outbreaks. These predictions with other predictive maps will help in better targetting intensified disease detection programs and emergency preparedness. It builds on the success of MediScout+ ; an integrated set of tools used to plan, implement and monitor community-based disease control programs.
The ESA SDG Portal, managed by the Member States Relations and Partnerships Office (DG-SM) was developed and implemented in 2018 as a transversal catalogue collecting different activities from all ESA Directorates and Programmes and aligning them with the 17 United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.
Humans rely on energy to maintain or improve their living standards. Energy is used to cook food, heat homes, run transport systems and communicate through electronic devices. However, 840 million people in developing countries still have no access to electricity and around 60 percent of greenhouse gas emissions stem from our use of fossil fuels.
“The work of ESA and the international planetary defence community is a great example of how to address this important hazard,” says ESA Director General Jan Wörner. “An asteroid impact is the only natural disaster we might avoid, if we see one coming soon enough.”