Telecommunication localisation and real time environment detection
The TALED service is an innovative integrated SATCOM/EO/GNSS platform that aims to cope in RT/NRT with all kinds of Fire incidents: forest, wild, waste and hazmat Fires. Designed to operate from detection to operational response, anywhere and 24/7, TALED originates from the need of institutional operators committed to improve the management of alerts, technical response, rescue and information. The service includes geographical information, as the tracking of the field operators, early warning of fires, and the prediction of short-term, fire & smoke evolution. Moreover, TALED provides mixed SatCom/Local wireless connection in the operation scenario, often not covered by the terrestrial telecom services. The service mainly targets three categories of users involved in the management of fire-alarms and associated emergencies: SMA Campania (a public-owned company managing environment emergencies including forest and waste fires within the Campania region in Italy); CNVVF (the National Firemen Corp in charge of the prevention and the operational response to all kind of fires); and mountain communities in charge of managing local forest resources, including their defence against fires and natural threats.