Predictive ice images
The PRIIMA service aims at improving the ice information forecast by converting static satellite images of the ice situation into real-time information and even into animations showing the future drift of sea-ice over the next hours and days, while the resolution of the images is being conserved. It automatically corrects the position of ice on a satellite image to its present location. The service targets segments of the maritime industry active in the Polar region and in need for forecasted ice information such as service icebreakers, cargo shipping, maritime authorities, expedition cruise shipping, fishing vessels, the oil and gas industry and surveying and exploration ships. The most important information for PRIIMA is derived from Sentinel-1 SAR satellite images combined with operational data from ice and weather models. PRIIMA solves a big data problem in the sense that it creates new information, namely high-resolution forecasts, by merging different space and non-space data.