Monitoring environmental related transhumance patterns and assessing the risk for population displacement
CoExist analyzed the spatio-temporal dynamics of transhumance and the associated risks of conflicts and population displacement. Relevant parameters such as the availability of surface water and its temporal dynamics, productivity of pasture, extent of various agricultural systems, drought indicators and fire frequency were derived from EO (Earth Observation) data. These data were then analyzed together with data from the "Transhumance Tracking Tool" and the "Displacement Tracking Matrix" of IOM as well as the Armed Conflict Location and Events Data (ACLED). The aim was to provide a better understanding of the patterns of transhumance and identify potential areas of conflict, to help plan effective, conflict-sensitive solutions by governmental and civil actors. IOM (International Organization for Migration) contributes to the economic and social development of states through development-oriented solutions, and the project outcomes should directly support these activities in the target region. The demand-oriented information products should support timely crisis prevention or intervention at the local level and aim at contributing to the establishment of an early-warning system.