activity - Thu, 04/06/2020 - 17:08

Gamifying flora & fauna preservation awareness in natural parks 

WILDWEGO provides a novel / enriched augmented reality travel gaming experience enabling park authorities to foster nature discovery & conservation by engaging the visitors into a serious game that enhance their flora & fauna preservation awareness and their collaboration for the preservation of wilderness biodiversity.

WILDWEGO addresses the needs of 2 actors: Natural Parks and Visitors. Park Authorities seek to increase the attractiveness of their wilderness areas, to offer more activities in the park, to secure additional revenues and to foster greater public awareness for nature and biodiversity preservation.  Park Visitors, the main end-users of WILDWEGO, are getting more environmental conscious and tech savvy, in particular the younger generations that are used to gaming and that eagerly seek mixed reality discovery experiences and engagement for nature conservation. 

WILDWEGO will rely on three types of space assets as follows: 

  • Partial use of Satellite Earth Observation (EO) data by Environmental Agencies for Species Habitat Open Data. 
  • Use of Satellite Navigation (GNSS) for the geolocalisation of real and augmented reality flora / fauna species in their natural habitat and for the “on Go” gaming and sharing. As opposed to traditional means that simply display maps and associated information in textual and graphical forms, WILDWEGO will provide real-time accurate (a few meters) field geo-localisation of the game assets and players.   
  • User of Satellite Communication (SAT COM) for communicating “on the Go" in Natural Parks with remote users (family, friends, social contacts), in particular VSAT for connectivity at camps / shelters, and Satellite Global Communication for areas with no other coverage. As an enhanced capacity to existing standard Mobile Communication means (Wifi and 2G/3G/4G) WILDWEGO will also support VSAT+Wifi and Global Satellite Communication (through the use of Satellite Trackers), thus allowing visitors to be connected and play remotely while travelling in the park with the remote users.
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