activity - Thu, 08/03/2018 - 19:40

A wide range of activities from elementary schools to universities, using space as a learning, teaching and training context

The ESA Education Programme aims at increasing the literacy of young people in STEM subjects and to motivate them to pursue a career in the space sector in particular by exploiting the fascination for space and by using space as a learning, teaching and training context. At primary and secondary level, the Education Programme offers classroom resources and teacher's training sessions. Particularly, since 2006, in close collaboration with the national institutions in charge of formal education and managed by renowned experts and operators well integrated into the respective national education systems and networks, the European Space Education Resource Office project (ESERO) has essentially offered training opportunities to thousands of teachers completed by the development, production, promotion and distribution of space-related resources tailored to the national curricula. At university level, the ESA Academy provides students across Europe with complementary academic training in areas of ESA’s expertise and with unique hands-on opportunities to gain significant practical experience during the full lifecycle of real and challenging space projects. As such, educational projects like CubeSats for example are exemplary evidences to show what can be achieved in support of Europe’s need to inspire, engage and prepare students to undertake scientific and technical careers and to eventually better face the labour market.
