EO4SD Water Resource Management
Facilitating the uptake of EO-derived information in sustainable development projects related to water management
By 2025, about 1.8 billion people will be living in regions or countries with absolute water scarcity. Using EO information and services, the ESA-coordinated EO4SD initiative supports international development assistance by helping countries to better measure and manage their water resources.
Source: World Bank
The EO4SD Earth Observation for Sustainable Development project aims to achieve a step increase in the uptake of satellite-based environmental information in the IFIs regional and global programs. It followa a systematic, user-driven approach in order to meet longer-term, strategic geospatial information needs in the individual developing countries, as well as international and regional development organizations. Specifically, for water resource management the EO4SD seeks to demonstrate the benefits and utility of EO services in response to stakeholder requirements for water resources monitoring and management at local to basin scales.