Demonstration of the use of Satellites complementing Remotely Piloted Aircraft Systems integrated in non-segregated airspace – Second Element
By 2050, 400 000 Remotely Piloted Aircraft Systems used for commercial and governmental missions are expected to be crowding European skies. The ESA-backed DeSIRE II project aims to support the European regulatory process and demonstrate the potential of complementing RPAS with satellite applications for developing new services.
Source: Eurocontrol
DeSIRE II, Second Element of the ESA EDA RPAS Demonstration Roadmap aims at developing and demonstrating services based on a Remotely Piloted Aircraft (RPA) flying in Beyond Radio Line of Sight (BRLOS). The project aims at: supporting the regulatory process within the European context, with focus on BRLOS operations under Instrument Flight Rules (IFR) using satellite communications; demonstrating to selected users the potential of RPAS complemented by satellite applications (Satcom, Satnav and Earth Observation) for developing new services for operations ready to be started operationally after project completion. DeSIRE II is supported by a wide range of RPAS potential users and regulatory stakeholders from different countries (Italy, Switzerland): Italian Coast Guard (IT) Guardia di Finanza (IT) European Fisheries Control Agency (EFCA) Italian Civil Protection (IT) CEREN (Centre d’Essais et de Recherche Entente pour La Foret Méditerranéenne) ENAV - Italian Air Navigation Service Provider ENAC - Italian Authority for Civil Aviation Safety EUROCONTROL EASA