Advanced filter and download
Cloud-based GNSS data processing platform
The COLOSSUS product…
Advanced Cloud-Native Solution for Efficient Remote…
Collaborative and Open Marketplace for Smart Port and Autonomous Shipping…
Forecasting vulnerability of infrastructure, lives and livelihoods, and marine…
A unique location to conduct research for extreme climate conditions &…
Continuing its joint initiatives with ESA Φ-lab, UNICEF is appointing two…
Contactless, or On-demand, Mobility-as-a-Service platform
Allowing non-specialist to create, deploy, browse and download applications…
Metro cooling systems based on space technology
Thanks to…
Advanced positioning and navigation solutions that require high computational…
COntribution du SPatial à lAnalyse du Risque INondation (Spatial Contribution…
Satellites helping in the rescue of distress victims
Cross-Cultural Satellite services for immigrant communities in Europe…
Cyber secuRity in Uas mIssions by SatellitE link
Climate Resilient Urban Simulation Tool
Sustainable urban…
Monitoring the development of large infrastructure projects
A self-lubricating metal matrix composite
A self-lubricating…
Collection of urban forestry data through the integration of satellite imagery…
A dam motion monitoring service platform
The main objective…
Providing satellite data to places where network connection is not effectively…