Investigating Advanced Satellite Applications (Insular and Mountainous Regions)
Investigation of Advanced Satellite Applications Adapted to Development Needs in Insular and Mountainous Countries
Satellite technology, applications and services are potentially relevant for supporting development policies in countries including several remote and/or difficult to access areas, such as islands or mountain areas, where terrestrial communications deployment is complicated and costly. A typical example is the Balkans region and South East European/Mediterranean countries that include a large number of insular and remote mountainous small communities. In such territories and conditions, low cost and reliable satellite services/applications become a necessary tool for maintaining and improving well-being, economic activity and safety of the population. The aim of this study was to establish the specific needs of Greece, the Balkans and South East European/Mediterranean countries in advanced broadcasting and telecommunication applications/services, and to identify how these could be efficiently served by satellite communications. The Central and South East European region over which Hellas Sat operates, and where it has privileged relations via its main shareholder OTE, the incumbent Greek PTT Operator, is of particular importance presenting a number of characteristics offering opportunities for satellite services development. Satellite telecommunications have the opportunity to play a significant role in improving the current conditions.