activity - Tue, 13/04/2021 - 17:03

Electric Vehicle energy management 

The project aims to develop a commercial service application that utilises geospatial tracking of the owners and their Electric Vehicles (EV) to enable statistical models that optimise decisions when to charge, store or discharge the EV. The EV owners will be then allowed to trade the stored energy and therefore participate in the Vehicle-to-Grid (V2G) market. To trade this energy load, the EV owners must commit to the load under management of the Energy Service provider, ie National Grid. At the end of the trade, the Service provider will pay back to the participating users the agreed financial amount. Human Switch provides an end to end application from vehicle management and owner interface through to energy network that will allow the trading of the stored energy. Building up a statistical risk profile that can inform trading strategies is central to the system. A central component of this risk strategy relates to data regarding the movement patterns of drivers in relation to their Electric Vehicles. When combined with other data inputs, a reliability index and user profile can be established across complex combinations of aggregated energy loads. The users of Human Switch service are the owners of Electric Vehicles in the domestic, business and public sectors. Honda, Statoil and UK National Grid have confirmed their support to this project. 

Update: the project has undergone a Contract Change Notice.

Green Technology
Demonstration Project