Automated Monitoring of Reclamation Status using Remote Sensing and Artificial Intelligence
Using artificial intelligence to develop a reclamation monitoring tool Earth Observation data
Vertex developed new services in the area of Earth Observation (EO) and artificial intelligence (AI) aimed at the natural resource development and oil and gas industry by automating spatial and image analysis techniques using EO data to:
Reduce cost and environmental impacts associated with environmental monitoring; monitor the success of land reclamation over time; predict if a reclaimed site is ready for a Detailed Site Assessment (DSA) and subsequent Certificate of Reclamation; replace or reduce the frequency of ground-based monitoring events on wellsite's and associated facilities, or any other areas that have undergone disturbance due to resource development and extraction; reduce not only the impact to environment via less disturbance due physical impact to peatlands and soil, but also reduce greenhouse gas emissions and noise pollution associated with heavy machinery; provide innovative EO techniques and tools for reducing costs associated with ecosystem reclamation and restoration; provide a list of priority areas suitable for the methods developed in this project; demonstrate to industry and regulators the benefits and value of EO data and methods compared to current methods.