Big data for migration study
Big Data applications to boost mitigation preparedness and response to migration feasibility study
The management of the migration crisis is a complex process that requires significant capacities and cooperation/coordination amongst several stakeholders, from different sectors: EU Agencies, National Coordination Centre, humanitarian aid and civil protection actors, NGOs involved on day-to-day management of the migration crisis, national authorities. The proposed services aim to: Provide evidence based indications on how current Earth Observation based services can offer their optimum contribution to user organizations for migration, and more generally civil security and humanitarian aid; exploit large set of Sentinel-1 and Sentinel-2 data for the envisaged service chains; improve monitoring capabilities using VHR data and data from microsatellite constellations; Analyse the integration of open source and social data (e.g from Twitter, GDELT Project); provide anomalies detected from mobile data as input to geospatial based monitoring and searching services