Demonstration of automated Flight Management for the operation of Unmanned Aerial Systems
The objective of the FLAMES project is to develop and demonstrate a software solution for flight planning and flight operation of drones, air taxis and High-Altitude Platforms Systems (HAPS). It will enable operators to execute flights of unmanned systems in a safe and more efficient manner. The Flight Management Platform (FMP) will integrate meteorological data, drone performance, airspace information, air traffic, mission objectives and optimization algorithms, and will deliver reliable flight planning and forecast, optimize missions based on drone endurance and performance as well as environmental constraints (e.g. weather forecast, restricted flight areas), and allow during flights to instantaneously and automatically update the missions to cover abnormal events such as technical failures and temporarily closed air spaces (e.g. rescue helicopter operations). Demonstration of the FMP will be executed for two use cases: drones operations for maritime surveillance and emission monitoring, and fully-automated drones operations in urban areas.