Enhanced Pollution Monitoring
Artisanal and Small-scale Mining (ASM), Abandoned Mines and Repositories (AMR), whether legal or illegal, are associated with negative environmental and social impacts. The EMP project aims to establish TransparentMining, a service platform to support environmental monitoring activities in the mining sector for three main market segments: NGO, regulators and private sectors (including mining industry and consultancy companies). The platform will offer three complementary services namely to i) identify illegal ASM and anomalous land cover changes, ii) identify abandoned mines and waste repositories and monitor tailing dams stability, and iii) to provide evidence of on-going ASM activities particularly targeted to the estimation of extracted material. The service builds on the integration of Earth Observation (SAR and optical images) , RPAS and in situ data. GNSS is used for geo-referencing local data during inspection field visits.