activity - Thu, 04/06/2020 - 17:15

Geolocation Support for Outdoor Tourism and the re-creation of historical events

Every year, on the site of the battle of Grunwald, there is a staging of the historical event where visitors can experience the achievements and distribution of the troops. Tourists visiting the place of the battle outside the anniversary celebration will be able to replicate a similar experience with the GSOT application in their smartphones. This solution will make use of augmented reality, which is particularly useful in such a vast site. GSOT will help visitors to plan their sightseeing with selected observation points from which they have the chance to move back in time and experience the historical event of Grunwald in 1410. GSOT is expected to increase the attractiveness of the site outside the yearly celebrations and, at the same time, support museum managers to plan and monitor tourist traffic, increasing the safety of visitors on site.

The first identified user group are tourists who want get as much information as possible about the area in a short time and want explore and depict the historical events in today’s space.

The second recipients group are museum managers that nowadays can see the number of visiting people in certain sections using only a camera system. The GSOT solution allows online monitoring of the museum area. This can provide comfort and high safety level for guests.

The use of GNSS will allow the positioning of visitors on site and the pin-point of selected points of points of interest in the field. 

Demonstration Project